Friday, November 2, 2007


Birdwatching or in my case bird-spotting and moving on, is good fun here as many of the birds are not seen in the UK. We dont get that many birds unfortunately, and mostly one sees the same birds as most of the scenery around here is the same. The flambouyant birds are generally in the forested areas. However, here are a few pictures of some of the following black kite, brahminy kite, black shouldered kite, green bee-eater, white-throated kingfisher (i saw my first one today), lesser coucal, little, great and cattle egret, various herons, cinnamon bittern, painted stork (4 yesterday, and 5 flying day before), oriental magpie robin, pied bushchat, black-collared starling, common and crested myna, baya weaver.

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